Looking for Teachers or Teaching Jobs

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Thanks to Chalkboard Careers, we found teachers who are not only qualified but also a perfect fit for our school environment.

Vishwa Vidyapeeth Schoool, Aarav

The team guided me through the entire process, and I secured a job at my dream school in no time!

Ishaan, English Educator

I would highly recommend ChalkBoard Careers it’s perfect for Teachers who are looking for good School, the services premium. Thank you ChalkBoard Careers you have been very helpful for my Career growth

Ananya, Computer Sience


Teacher Recruitment

We identify and place qualified educators who align with your school’s values and teaching requirements.

Staffing Solutions

From full-time to temporary roles, we provide flexible hiring options to meet your staffing needs.

Background Checks

Comprehensive verification of candidates to ensure the highest standards of professionalism

Post-Recruitment Support

Ongoing assistance to ensure smooth onboarding and retention.

Career Counseling

Get personalized guidance to align your skills with the right roles.

Job Placement

Access a wide range of teaching opportunities at reputable schools nationwide.

Professional Development

Workshops & training to help you stand out in the competitive education market.

Resume Building

Craft a compelling resume to showcase your qualifications and experience effectively.